Indoor Climate Label

Label for healthy and vital people in offices

The Indoor Climate Label shows at a glance what the indoor climate of a building is like. It also gives building owners assurance that the performance requirements are being met. Compare it to the energy label that indicates whether an appliance is energy efficient or not at all.

Want to learn more about the label, the roadmap and affiliated partners? Visit the Inner Climate Label website.

View Indoor Climate Label website


Glazen kantoorpand met daarboven een uitstekende boom.
Het logo van het binnenklimaatlabel waarin je de ambitieniveaus van rood naar groen ziet

Different levels of ambition

Whether an office meets the standards of the Indoor Climate Label is tested against four components of the Program of Requirements (PoR) Healthy Offices.: air, light, climate and noise. The PoA is a guide for the (re)development of offices that should not only be energy efficient, but also healthy and comfortable.

Three levels of ambition were formulated for the four components. Class C indicates "satisfactory," Class B means "good," and the best rating is Class A, with a "very good. As a client or building team member, you determine these goals yourself. The Healthier Offices Code of Practice provides practical information and tools to fill in the various topics within the four themes and to achieve the desired assessment, on the basis of which the Indoor Climate Label can be awarded.

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