Inspection scheme for cleanliness of air treatment and ventilation systems
Sector Schools, Utility
Type Practice guidelines
The Nederlands Verbond Reinigingsspecialisten Luchtbehandelingssystemen (NVRL), together with TNO Bouw en Ondergrond, has developed a hallmark for cleaning air treatment systems in utility buildings (offices, schools, etc.). The hallmark focuses on keeping air treatment systems clean with the aim of reducing health risks due to contamination in these systems.
Based on the NVRL inspection, it is possible to receive the NVRL certificate. The certificate guarantees the cleanliness of the ventilation and air treatment system. The certificate can be obtained if the standards of the NVRL Approval are met and is provided by a company affiliated to the NVRL. If the hygiene limits are met, a seal of approval is issued for a period of 1 year.
This certification scheme deals with grease contamination. The scheme applies to kitchen exhaust systems in catering establishments, hospitals, care homes and offices, and exhaust ducts in the (food) industry, such as bakeries.