Ventilation inspection and property managers

What does the Ventilation Label mean for managers?

The sustainability of the housing stock is important for both the manager and the corporation. Regular maintenance of the home and commitment to a healthy home with high living comfort create a pleasant and long-term relationship between tenant and landlord. Maintaining the home can easily be achieved by including ventilation and maintenance in the MJOB (long-term maintenance budget). The maintenance standard within the Ventilation Certificate guarantees regular maintenance of the ventilation systems. Moreover, the maintenance is performed by Ventilation Approval Specialists who meet the approval scheme.

Suppliers of ventilation equipment support the Ventilation Label. Regular proper maintenance of the installation contributes to a longer life of the installation and to the indoor air quality. The Ventilation label is therefore perfectly compatible with, for example, a warranty plan that can be issued by suppliers.


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Woningen / kantoorgebouwen


    Importance of regular maintenance

    Residential ventilation is an essential issue when it comes to home comfort. In order to raise the indoor air quality of (rental) homes, the Ventilation Protocol has been developed. The protocol prescribes requirements regarding design, installation, management and maintenance. To ensure healthy indoor air, the ventilation system must be properly regulated and regular maintenance is necessary. By including residential ventilation in the MJOB, the manager will not face unnecessary surprises and the resident will be provided with healthy indoor air.


    The benefits of regular maintenance

    To save energy, airtight construction is on the rise. But it is impossible to live comfortably in an airtight home. Residential ventilation is therefore essential when it comes to living comfort. As a landlord and/or manager, you are responsible for the home and therefore indirectly for living comfort. The Ventilation Label contributes to increasing the living comfort of residents. In addition, a well-maintained and well-ventilated house ensures the preservation of the housing stock and the occupant is more likely to want to use the house for a longer period of time.

    The benefits of Ventilation Inspection at a glance:

    Saving energy consumption of the ventilation system
    Regular maintenance means no major expenses
    Independent periodic audits
    Full insight into quality and installations
    Longer life of the ventilation system
    Increase in residential comfort and thus a long-term relationship with the tenant

    Objectives of Ventilation Inspection:

    Create a quality standard for residential ventilation systems (management and maintenance by certified ventilation specialists).
    The assurance that the seal guarantees that the residential ventilation system meets established requirements.
    Raising awareness of wanting to export a "healthy" home.


    Review & classification

    Independent periodic audits are conducted by accredited bodies. The audit tests the physical cleanliness of the ventilation system and the ventilation capacity.

    Physical cleanliness involves checking filters, fans, sensors, air ducts, supply and return grilles as well as façade grilles. The ventilation capacity test determines whether the requirements within the legal framework have been met and whether the system has been correctly adjusted.

    Based on the testing, a classification to the quality level is issued. This quality level has 1, 2 or 3 stars within the Ventilation Inspection System:

    🠆Ventilation Label*
    Meets requirements for cleanliness but not for ventilation capacity
    🠆Ventilation inspection**
    Meets requirements of cleanliness and ventilation capacity of 100%
    🠆Ventilation Certification***
    Meets requirements of cleanliness and ventilation capacity of 120%

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