Program of Requirements Healthy Offices
Sector Utility
Type Knowledge publications, Practice guidelines
The office market has been on the move for several years. New office buildings are rising, existing office buildings are being modernized and monuments are being converted into offices. Energy performance receives a lot of attention nowadays, but what guarantees are there that the offices also score well (enough) on aspects such as health, comfort and productivity after completion?
A good indoor environment in offices is important to create a comfortable, performance-enhancing and healthy working environment. To achieve and maintain this, it is necessary for new construction and renovation projects to formulate indoor environmental quality requirements in advance. Designers, installers and contractors then base their plans on these principles.
TVVL and Binnenklimaat Nederland have commissioned the Program of Requirements (PoR) Healthy Offices 2021 in collaboration with market parties and industry associations. The document is a new version compared to the first version from 2018. The publication provides a helping hand to parties who want to realize offices that are not only energy efficient but also, above all, healthy, comfortable and performance-enhancing.