Programme of Requirements Healthy Homes

Date 11 July 2022
Sector Housing
Type Practice guidelines

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A significant proportion of all pollutants we inhale come from indoor spaces. This is worrying, as people spend on average 90 per cent of their time indoors. An unhealthy indoor climate has an impact on people's health and productivity and can lead to respiratory complaints, asthma, sleep problems, loss of concentration and cardiovascular diseases, among others. By creating a healthy indoor climate in homes, many of these health complaints are preventable, advocates Platform Healthy Indoors.

Following the requirements for offices and schools, the Programme of Requirements for Healthy Homes now provides the construction sector with clear guidelines for achieving a healthy indoor climate in homes. Based on the latest scientific insights and best practices, performance requirements in the areas of air, climate, light and noise, among others, have been formulated. The Healthy Indoor Platform guideline was developed in cooperation with Binnenklimaat Nederland, TU Eindhoven, BBA Binnenmilieu and TNO.

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