Application Schools
The quality of the indoor climate in schools has a major effect on the health, learning performance and functioning of both students and teachers. Despite the importance of this, unfortunately, many climate systems are still found that are not properly adjusted or maintained. This applies to both primary and secondary education.
On this page, as a building professional, you will find publications that help you ensure performance of school climate systems in cooling, ventilation and heating. In addition, these practical tools also help extend the life of the device or appliance. Gain insight into contemporary systems and techniques.
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School building and facilities requirements
In both renovation and new construction plans for schools, it is important to set requirements in advance for the design of the building and its installations. After all, in addition to low energy consumption, a good indoor environment is also important. The maintenance and management of air handling systems in school buildings is also essential. This is because a healthy indoor climate in schools is hugely important for the performance of students and teachers.