Energy Label Check
Make a prediction of the energy label of an existing office building in three easy steps with the Energy Label Check. Instantly view the prediction and download the report with the results and input data.
The tool looks at both the thermal envelope of a building and the systems within it, such as the type of air handling unit, type of lighting and the presence and yield of a generation system with PV panels.
Due to the relatively high level of detail of the NTA 8800, calculating the energy performance of office buildings is labor intensive. With the Energy Label Check, the determination method has been compressed into a fast, predictive calculation model. The tool complements the Indoor Climate Check and the BENG Check.
With this tool, not only designers of air conditioning systems, but also building owners gain more insight into the energy performance of office buildings. Based on these insights, important concept choices can be compared and weighed at an early stage. The tools were developed by Binnenklimaattechniek in collaboration with Renor.